An Impactful Rainfall

4 min readSep 6, 2020


It rained here today, after a few days.

I was just about to get done with my breath work (pranayam) and meditation (dhyaan), to be woken up by the sound of the first few drops on the leaves of the tree next to me.

Suddenly, a drizzle of thought grew to a rain full within me, and here I am, sharing it exactly as it came. As the rain was rising, both on the outside and on the inside, I began to ponder.

It is rain’s job to give water. Unbiased trillions of drops of water to bring about life everywhere on earth, once a year or through out the year, but consistently.

We people however perceive rain in different ways throughout the season as it grows on us.

The first smell of petrichor soon gets replaced by sipping tea by the heavy rains, followed by the pains of water clogging, floods, wet dirt and whatnot.

For most, rain is a life-giver. For some, it is an annual blessing quenching thirsts, for others, it is the energy that reaps from the ground what they have sown, but for some, it is more than they expect and for some, it is less that they wanted. For others some it is a bane that washes away what they have built. And for a few even death.

It is the rain's job to rain, and our job to be prepared for it, to respond to it, and to find how we can make the best use for it.

It is somewhat similar to our creation. We all are the creators of this simple application called Impact. And like rain gives water and life, our creation gives health and happiness.

Impact for our community are drops of steps that they collect and give. The first feeling for our users is like the smell of petrichor, when they donate they first few steps to a cause they care.



For most, it quenches their hidden thirst of generosity within. For others, it is the energy that lets them keep doing good work and building good health. But for some, it sometimes calculates more than what they expect or less than what they wanted. For a few, it sometimes acts like a bane that washes away all they sweat out for.

Our job is to rain impact. Rain well, and unbiased for millions of our changemakers.

When I woke up from the silence to the first few drizzling drops, I could also smell the petrichor. So I picked up a cup of tea and enjoyed it as the rain intensified.

The petrichor isn’t just for the first drop of rain on the soil. It exists for every drop that falls all through the season. It is just that we as people numb down to it over time.

I came to understand that the feel of the first experience exists, it is true, and it is there for everyone who chooses to feel it. I chose to, and all it took me was to close my eyes and feel.

I’d like to think that the smell of our first experience still exists for some of our users and they choose to enjoy it every day!

Cheers to the impact of Rain world wide.

All the love. All the power.





Written by Ishan

Here to write my heart out, and share the sentences that the silent soul whispers into my ears.

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