A Cell on Earth

3 min readSep 10, 2021


Imagine for a moment, that you are not you

I am not me, we aren’t who we think we are

Instead each one of us is a Cell so Brand New

Breathing life on a Planet spinning around a Star.

Understand, that Earth is the True form of Life

And we’re merely unconscious cells confused

About who we are, or what’s the greater good

While living in self-interest or as per our latest mood.

If we realise how trillions of cells in our bodies

Work together to make Us come Alive

Eye cells to see, heart cells to beat

Skin cell to feel, lung cell to breathe.

Likewise, We, are single cells to this mighty earth

Born out of her and to go back into her dirt

Some working to build, others to teach

Some toiling to clean, and others to heal

The forests her lungs, Seasons are like breath

She scratches an itch, it causes earthquakes

She sneezes a bit, for us hurricanes

A runny nose for her, time and again

We call it a tsunami, snow-storm or torrential rain.

Every global war, a tiny cut on her skin

She cries at the sight of blood, oozing from within

When groups of her cells conspire against each other

To fight their own father or kill their own brother

While ignoring how it’ll hurt their sister or Mother

To her, it’s all just a bad day, filled with hurt and pain

What humanity is to her, allow me to explain.

If you closely look at earthly time scales

From microbes to mammals, from snails to the whales

She’s been Alive for more than 3 billion years

And she’ll live for another 3, Her end is not near.

On her time scale, if we are to relate with her

Think a 100 million years as 1 Earthly year

She’s a lovely lady who’s 30 something old

Who will live another 30, before she finally folds.

Now, life as Humanity only stretches back

To a few hundred thousand years only

A tiny mutation, a unique DNA hack

Humans born out of monkeys!

Now if we take care of our surrounds,

It is believed that we will be around

For a few hundred thousand more

That’s all that humanity is has in store

Now compare that, on the Earthly time scale

In her life All Humanity is just. One Day.

All the religions, all the beliefs

All progress, saints and thieves

Kings and slaves, cowards and the brave

Industry, internet, the latest tech wave.

All of it’s just half a day for earth, a fine evening

It’s like she’s wearing us as temporary clothing

A fashionable fabric, she’s to wear at a party

But with us on her mind, she’s gotten a little nasty

Smoking cigarettes and drinking wine

Our factories, spoiling her air and water divine.

Now You and I, with our decades-long lives

Just a few hurried blinks of her pretty eyes

Seventeen seconds to be exact

That’s what we mean to her in-fact.

But when it is all over

She won’t even have a hangover

When her next day dawns

She’ll evolve to be better than ever

All our wrong doings to serve her as memory

To evolve anew and revive her lost glory

She’ll wake out of us, and shake us away

As an old cloth, a sad thought, a bad day

Or if we’re good, she might just let us stay

The day when this realisation dawns

That you and I, we’re insignificant pawns

Just playing our tiny part in a long infinite game

Which to her is just One day, Humanity it’s name

Right now she’s got a little fever

We call it global warming

To her, just a few degrees higher

For us, a life-death warning

Our planet will continue to live

No matter what we do or don’t as well

What will perish is each of us

As per the life cycle of a single cell.

So damn with ‘save the planet’ slogans

To think like that is just too arrogant

When all we can do is save men and women

Save animals and trees, and help our children.

So to conclude would be thus

What we can all, as cells come to learn

Is to first, think of her well-being before us

And come together to work as One.




Written by Ishan

Here to write my heart out, and share the sentences that the silent soul whispers into my ears.

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